Tag Archive for: Spotted

Early version of new POS malware family spotted

A security researcher came across what appears to be a new family of point-of-sale malware that few antivirus programs were detecting.

Nick Hoffman, a reverse engineer, wrote the Getmypass malware shares traits that are similar to other so-called RAM scrapers, which collect unencrypted payment card data held in a payment system’s memory.

That type of malware has been responsible for large payment card breaches at Target, Neiman Marcus and others, capitalizing on a common weakness in systems that experts say can be fixed with more robust encryption of card details.

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Network World Security

Microsoft warns Internet Explorer 6 – 11 vulnerable to zero-day spotted in the wild

“Microsoft is aware of limited, targeted attacks that attempt to exploit a vulnerability in Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 8, Internet Explorer 9, Internet Explorer 10, and Internet Explorer 11,” states a security advisory for CVE-2014-1776 that Microsoft released late on Saturday.
Ms. Smith’s blog

Targeted attacks spotted in the wild exploiting Windows XP zero-day

Microsoft can preach about the evils of clinging to Windows XP all that the company wants, but the desktop operating system market share for November 2013 still shows Windows XP at over 31%, according to NetMarketShare. Windows 7 is the most popular OS, at 46.6%.
Ms. Smith’s blog

Android malware spotted hitching a ride on mobile botnet – Register


Android malware spotted hitching a ride on mobile botnet
Kaspersky Lab has reported the first sighting of mobile malware (Android, of course) that piggybacks on the back of a separate mobile botnet and uses the resources of other malware once it's installed. "For the first time malware is being distributed
Android Trojans gain botnet distribution, new codeNetwork World
Crooks use botnet-for-rent to target Android usersComputerworld (blog)
Android 'Obad' Trojan piggybacks on another gang's mobile botnetTechworld.com
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