Tag Archive for: undetectable

Undetectable Mac Malware Proton for Sale on the Dark Web for 40 BTC Update

If the hacker only wants to install it on a single Mac, he’d only have to pay 2 BTC. Full control in one malware The malware allows attackers to take full control of the targeted device, including keylogging, webcam/screen surveillance, file uploadings …
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Undetectable Mac Malware Proton for Sale on the Dark Web for 40 BTC

If the hacker only wants to install it on a single Mac, he’d only have to pay 2 BTC. Full control in one malware The malware allows attackers to take full control of the targeted device, including keylogging, webcam/screen surveillance, file uploadings …
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Encrypted communications could have an undetectable backdoor

Researchers warn that many 1024-bit keys used to secure communications on the internet today might be based on prime numbers that have been intentionally backdoored in an undetectable way.

Many public-key cryptography algorithms that are used to secure web, email, VPN, SSH and other types of connections on the internet derive their strength from the mathematical complexity of discrete logarithms — computing discrete logarithms for groups of large prime numbers cannot be efficiently done using classical methods. This is what makes cracking strong encryption computationally impractical.

Most key-generation algorithms rely on prime parameters whose generation is supposed to be verifiably random. However, many parameters have been standardized and are being used in popular crypto algorithms like Diffie-Hellman and DSA without the seeds that were used to generate them ever being published. That makes it impossible to tell whether, for example, the primes were intentionally “backdoored” — selected to simplify the computation that would normally be required to crack the encryption.

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Network World Security