Tag Archive for: uses

Magecart group uses homoglyph attacks to fool you into visiting malicious websites – ZDNet

Magecart group uses homoglyph attacks to fool you into visiting malicious websites  ZDNet
“exploit kit” – read more

Black Hat 2020: ‘Zero-Click’ MacOS Exploit Chain Uses Microsoft Office Macros

At Black Hat 2020, Patrick Wardle disclosed an exploit chain that bypasses Microsoft’s malicious macros protections to infect MacOS users.
Mobile Security – Threatpost

Yes, This Site Uses Cookies, Because Nearly All Sites Use Cookies, And We’re Notifying You Because We’re Told We Have To

If you’re visiting our site today (and I guess, forever into the future if you don’t click “got it”) you will now see a notification at the bottom of the site saying that this site uses cookies. Of course, this site uses cookies. Basically any site uses cookies for all sorts of useful non-awful, non-invasive purposes. We use cookies, for example, to track your preferences (including when you turn off ads on the site, which we let you do for free). In order to make sure those ads are gone, or whatever other preferences stay in place, we use cookies.

For the last few years, of course, you’ve probably seen a bunch of sites pop up boxes “notifying” you that they use cookies. For the most part, this has to do with various completely pointless EU laws and regulations that probably make regulators feel good, but do literally nothing to protect your privacy. Worst are the ones that suggest that by continuing on the site you’ve made some sort of legal agreement with the site (come on…). These cookie notification pop ups do not help anyone. They don’t provide you particularly useful information, and they don’t lead you to a place that is more protective of your actual privacy. They just annoy people, and so people ignore them, leave the site, or (most commonly) just “click ok” to get the annoying bar or box out of the way to get to the content they wanted to see in the first place.

Here’s the stupendously stupid thing about all of this: you are already in control. If you don’t like cookies, your browser gives you quite a lot of control over which ones you keep, and how (and how often) you get rid of them. Some browsers, like Mozilla’s Firefox Focus browser, automatically discard cookies as soon as you close a page (it’s great for mobile browsing, by the way). Of course, that leads to some issues if you want to remain logged in on certain pages, or to have them remember preferences, but for those you can use a different browser or change various settings. It’s nice that the power to handle cookies is very much up to you. We here at Techdirt like it when the control is pushed out to the ends of the network, rather than controlled in the middle.

But, because it makes some privacy regulators feel like they’ve “done something”, they require such a pointless “cookie notification” on sites. Recently, one of our ad providers told us that we, too, needed to include such a cookie notification, or else we’d lose the ability to serve any ads from Google, who (for better or for worse) is one of the major ad providers out there. We did not get a clear explanation for why we absolutely needed to add this annoying notification that doesn’t really help anyone, but the pleas were getting more and more desperate, with all sorts of warnings. We even asked if we could just turn off the ads entirely (which would, of course, represent something of a financial hit) and they seemed to indicate that because we still use other types of cookies (again, including cookies to say “don’t show this person any ads”), we had to put up the notification anyway.

The last thing we were told is that if we didn’t put up a cookie notification within a day, Google would “block us globally.” I’m honestly not even sure what this means. But, either way, we’re now showing you a cookie notification. It’s silly and annoying and I don’t think it serves your interests at all. It serves our interests only inasmuch as it gets our partner to stop bugging us. Don’t you feel better?

You can click “got it” and make it go away. You can not click it and it will stay. You can block cookies in your browser, or you can leave them. You can toss out your cookies every day or every week (not necessarily a bad practice sometimes). You’re in control. But we have to show you the notification, and so we are.
