Tag Archive for: votes

UN summit votes to support Internet eavesdropping – CNET

UN summit votes to support Internet eavesdropping
In August, The New York Times reported that malware known as FinSpy, sold by a British company called the Gamma Group, could activate computer cameras and microphones and had been linked to repressive governments including Turkmenistan, Brunei,

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finspy – read more

Machines alter election votes: Hacking voting machines so easy that Grandma can do it

In the last few weeks, GOP Research claimed voting machines were malfunctioning in several states; “there are reports that voters are experiencing frustration when they cast a ballot for Governor Romney but inexplicably the voting machines registers a vote for Obama.” Ah, so here we are on Election Day and it wouldn’t be complete without controversial claims
Ms. Smith’s blog

5 days after Microsoft voices support, Washington gets the votes to legalize same-sex marriage

Washington’s state senate has gathered enough support to make it the seventh state to legalize same-sex marriage, after senator Mary Margaret Haugen announced on Monday she will cast the 25th and deciding vote in favor of the controversial bill. Read more

Colin Neagle’s blog