Zero-click malware: the emergence of AI worms

We investigate how AI worms operate without user interaction and could spread zero-click malware.

A few weeks after Microsoft admitted that nation-state actors were using its AI and the UN warned that North Korea earned $3B from 58 cyberattacks to fuel its nuclear program, it was revealed that an AI worm had been engineered to infiltrate generative AI ecosystems.

Researchers recently shared with Wired how they developed generative AI worms that could autonomously spread between AI systems. The AI worm, somewhat aptly named Morris II, after the first-ever recorded computer worm, can seamlessly target AI-powered email assistants without the user’s knowledge.

Researchers also showed how the worm could autonomously trigger the AI to release personal data, send spam emails, and replicate itself across the digital ecosystem through crafted prompts hidden inside legitimate communications. Welcome to the convergence of AI and cyber attacks. But what are AI worms, and how do they work?

The evolution of malware: introducing AI worms

Traditional malware requires interaction with unsuspecting users. Typically, this involves tricking their target into clicking a malicious link or downloading an infected file. However, AI worms exploit the functionalities of AI models to propagate themselves without any direct human intervention.

What makes AI worms deadly is that they can autonomously navigate and infiltrate systems without needing users to do anything. The operational framework of AI worms is ingeniously simple yet profoundly effective. These worms can manipulate AI systems into unwittingly executing malicious actions by embedding adversarial self-replicating prompts within AI-generated content. These actions range from extracting sensitive information to disseminating the worm across a network, amplifying the potential for damage.

Zero-click worms in AI: unveiling the hidden threats within genAI

In this pivotal study by Stav Cohen from the Israel Institute of Technology, Ron Bitton from Intuit, and Ben Nassi at Cornell Tech, the researchers revealed the dangers and capabilities of zero-click worms. These revelations illuminated the significant vulnerabilities within the genAI ecosystem….
