Tag Archive for: been

The most-targeted security vulnerabilities – despite patches having been available for years

Newly-discovered zero-day vulnerabilities may generate the biggest headlines in the security press, but that doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily the thing that will get your company hacked.

This week, US-CERT has published its list of what it describes as the “Top 10 Routinely Exploited Vulnerabilities” for the last three years.

Read more in my article on the Tripwire State of Security blog.

Graham Cluley

The secret behind “unkillable” Android backdoor called xHelper has been revealed

The secret behind “unkillable” Android backdoor called xHelper has been revealed

Enlarge (credit: portal gda / flickr)

In February, a researcher detailed a widely circulating Android backdoor that’s so pernicious that it survives factory resets, a trait that makes the malware impossible to remove without taking unusual measures.

The analysis found that the unusual persistence was the result of rogue folders containing a trojan installer, neither of which was removed by a reset. The trojan dropper would then reinstall the backdoor in the event of a reset. Despite those insights, the researcher still didn’t know precisely how that happened. Now, a different researcher has filled in the missing pieces. More about that later. First, a brief summary of xHelper.

A backdoor with superuser rights

The malicious Android app poses as a performance enhancer that removes old and unneeded files. Antivirus provider Malwarebytes has detected it on 33,000 devices, mainly located in the United States, while AV from Russia-based Kaspersky Lab found it on 50,000 devices. There’s no evidence xHelper has ever been distributed through Google Play.

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Biz & IT – Ars Technica

Has Houseparty really been hacked? $1 million reward offered to unearth who is behind widespread claims

In recent days warnings have spread rapidly across social networking sites that the Houseparty app – which makes it easy for anyone to drop in for a video chat with friends locked down during the Coronavirus pandemic – is unsafe.

But is there any evidence?

Graham Cluley