Tag Archive for: bypass

Does anyone know how to bypass educational windows computer security settings?

My brother joined a program, in the program he received a computer on which he’ll do lessons on. Its been sitting in our house for a long time, and since then we’ve been trying to find a use for it. The reason why its no use is because the stupid pc is blocked from changing all settings and everything, I CANT EVEN GET TO MY COMPUTER! or start, or anything. I tried restoring the system, but I could not get access to CD drive. Any advice on getting this pc to work would be nice.

How do i bypass my norton internet security for my xbox to the media center?

I have an xbox 360 with xbox live the internet works fine for it wirelessly except when I go to media center. Its not the windows firewall, It only works if i disable norton internet security i dont want to always do that so is there a way to make a port for it or something? I dont know too much about computers so thanks in advance

How can i bypass the security on my school computer and go to any website i want?

Everytime im at school on the computer the security screening wont let me go to any sites, is there an easy was to get pass this so i can actually go to different websites?

New malware can bypass any anti-virus protection – Silicon India

… provided by anti-virus … attack is not completely realistic, since the size of the code required would have to be large to work. A quickie download wouldn’t be possible, so the attack would likely have to find its way onto a target computer
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