Tag Archive for: coverage

Ericsson to partner with Verizon in $8.3 billion deal to expand 5G coverage

Ericsson, a Swedish telecom company with its North American headquarters in Plano, will partner with Verizon to expand its U.S. 5G network in a $8.3 billion deal announced Friday.

Under the five-year agreement, Verizon will utilize Ericsson’s different technology solutions to expand its ultra-wideband 5G coverage. This includes the Massive MIMO, Ericsson Spectrum Sharing and the Ericsson Cloud Radio Access Network.

The deal is the single largest in Ericsson’s history, which stretches back to 1876.

“This is a significant strategic partnership for both companies, and what we’re most excited about is bringing the benefits of 5G to U.S. consumers, enterprises and the public sector,” said Niklas Heuveldop, president and head of Ericsson North America.

Ericsson and Verizon have a long track record of partnering together. In 2020, Verizon became the first communications service provider to receive a commercial 5G base station from the Ericsson smart factory in Lewisville.

Verizon wants to rapidly expand its 5G network as it competes with AT&T and T-Mobile to grant its customers reliable 5G access. The company pledged over $45.5 billion in a C-band auction that closed in February to secure more mid-band spectrum coverage.

“5G is really going to change the future,” said Karen Schulz, who works in global network and technology communications for Verizon. “The fundamental capabilities of 5G will usher in applications and innovations that we’ve never seen before.”

5G has the potential to enhance apps and technologies like augmented reality and the Internet of Things, Schulz said.

In Texas, Verizon users are connected to 5G over 12% of the time, while T-Mobile users are connected 40% of the time and AT&T users are connected over 26% of the time, according to the latest 5G User Experience Report by Opensignal. Nationally, Verizon users are connected to 5G over 10% of the time.

As 5G expands in Texas, businesses are most likely to initially see the largest changes in coverage because they can tap into the network’s full capabilities, said Ram Dantu, director of the Center for Information and Cyber Security at the University of North Texas.

“Consumers may not be able to see the…


Live from Long Island: Northport radio station rolls out round-the-clock coverage on cyber crime 

WCYB, an online radio station covering cybercriminals and digital defenders worldwide, debuted Thursday from Long Island.

The Northport station, a unit of 6-year-old Cybersecurity Ventures, is the first to offer round-the-clock coverage of online breaches 365 days a year, said founder Steven C. Morgan.

“There are dozens, if not hundreds, of cybersecurity podcasts,” he said. “But launching and operating a full-blown radio station is entirely different. It’s a heavy lift to get up and running and staff.”

The station, dubbed Cybercrime Radio, at https://cybersecurityventures.com/radio/, began webcasting at 11 a.m. Thursday.

The station’s first broadcast day included a recorded interview with Kevin Mitnick, whose exploits as a hacker were chronicled in books and movies.

Mitnick, now chief hacking officer at KnowBe4 Inc., a Clearwater, Florida, computer security company, eluded an FBI dragnet until his arrest and 1999 guilty plea on wire fraud and computer fraud charges.

In the interview, Mitnick described a hack as a 16-year-old, when he commandeered the drive-up communications system at a McDonald’s, lampooning customers and managers.

Paul Trapani, president of the Long Island Software & Technology Network (LISTnet), said threats posed by hackers are creating “a huge demand” for the kind of content offered by WCYB.

Cybersecurity is “starting to evolve as its own industry,” he said, with many companies adding the position of chief information security officer.

Morgan said that damages from cyberintrusions will cost $6 trillion…


How bad is ransomware? One insurer has dropped coverage for extortion payments.

The AXA Group logo is seen Feb. 21, 2019, at the company’s 2018 annual results presentation in Paris. The global insurance company said May 6, 2021, that it will stop writing cyber-insurance policies in France that reimburse customers for ransomware extortion payments. (Thibault Camus/AP)


Ransomware Victims’ Coverage Hopes Surge With Ind. Ruling

Law360 (March 22, 2021, 10:16 PM EDT) — Indiana’s highest court recently revived an oil company’s lawsuit seeking to force its crime insurance carrier to cover bitcoin ransom payments made to a hacker, a novel ruling that signals businesses may be able to secure ransomware attack coverage under traditional policies that don’t explicitly cover such incidents.

A unanimous Indiana Supreme Court on March 18 reversed a lower court’s ruling that Continental Western Insurance Co. doesn’t have to cover a series of bitcoin ransom payments that policyholder G&G Oil Co. made to a hacker to restore access to the company’s computer systems. The decision was the first by a state…

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