Tag Archive for: Fighting

The Mirai Botnet Architects Are Now Fighting Crime With the FBI

  1. The Mirai Botnet Architects Are Now Fighting Crime With the FBI  WIRED
  2. Mirai botnet creators praised for helping FBI, won’t serve prison time  Ars Technica
  3. Mirai botnet authors avoid prison after “substantial assistance” to the FBI  ZDNet
  4. Mirai Malware Masterminds Avoid Jail Time After Helping Feds  Daily Beast
  5. Full coverage

botnet – read more

Fighting cyber attacks with nuclear weapons

Fighting cyber attacks with nuclear weapons

The Pentagon’s Nuclear Posture Review, which is being considered by the White House, proposes the option of deploying nuclear weapons in the event of an enemy launching a crippling cyber attack against key infrastructure.

Graham Cluley