Tag Archive for: Hijacks

Suspicious event hijacks Amazon traffic for 2 hours, steals cryptocurrency

(credit: Amazon)

Amazon lost control of a small number of its cloud services IP addresses for two hours on Tuesday morning when hackers exploited a known Internet-protocol weakness that let them to redirect traffic to rogue destinations. By subverting Amazon’s domain-resolution service, the attackers masqueraded as cryptocurrency website MyEtherWallet.com and stole about $ 150,000 in digital coins from unwitting end users. They may have targeted other Amazon customers as well.

The incident, which started around 6 AM California time, hijacked roughly 1,300 IP addresses, Oracle-owned Internet Intelligence said on Twitter. The malicious redirection was caused by fraudulent routes that were announced by Columbus, Ohio-based eNet, a large Internet service provider that is referred to as autonomous system 10297. Once in place, the eNet announcement caused Hurricane Electric and possibly Hurricane Electric customers and other eNet peers to send traffic over the same unauthorized routes. The 1,300 addresses belonged to Route 53, Amazon’s domain name system service

In a statement, Amazon officials wrote: “Neither AWS nor Amazon Route 53 were hacked or compromised. An upstream Internet Service Provider (ISP) was compromised by a malicious actor who then used that provider to announce a subset of Route 53 IP addresses to other networks with whom this ISP was peered. These peered networks, unaware of this issue, accepted these announcements and incorrectly directed a small percentage of traffic for a single customer’s domain to the malicious copy of that domain.”

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Biz & IT – Ars Technica

New Mac malware hijacks DNS and compromises internet traffic

  1. New Mac malware hijacks DNS and compromises internet traffic  TechRadar
  2. OSX/MaMi Malware Hijacks DNS, Takes Screenshots, More  The Mac Observer
  3. Full coverage

malware news – read more

New Linux malware hijacks one vendor’s IoT devices by exploiting CGI bug

Iot thumb

A new form of Linux malware is hijacking Internet of Things (IoT) devices made by one Chinese vendor by exploiting a common gateway interface (CGI) vulnerability.

David Bisson reports.

Graham Cluley

DNSChanger Exploit Kit Hijacks Routers, Not Browsers – Threatpost


DNSChanger Exploit Kit Hijacks Routers, Not Browsers
Attackers are targeting more than 166 router models with an exploit kit called DNSChanger that is being distributed via malvertising. Researchers at Proofpoint said the exploit kit is unique because the malvertising component of the attack doesn't
Cybercriminals are infecting home routers to serve users with endless malicious adsInternational Business Times UK
DNSChanger Exploit Targets Routers Through Web BrowsersSecurity Intelligence (blog)
New malvertising campaign infects home and small business routersComputing
Boing Boing
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“exploit kit” – read more