Tag Archive for: Hope

Google kills hope for Android security with 3LM retreat – InfoWorld

Google kills hope for Android security with 3LM retreat
Want to know the full extent of Google's fixation on consumer usage of Android? Not only is it blind to the increasing use of consumer technologies, even when driven by businesses, it's also killed the group that could have given Android a consistent

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HOPE 9: Whistleblower Binney says the NSA has dossiers on nearly every US citizen

This weekend in New York City was a three-day hackers’ conference called HOPE Number 9 which is only held every two years; HOPE stands for “Hackers on Planet Earth” and there’s always a lot of great info that comes out of it. Read more

Ms. Smith’s blog

RIM’s Plan B: Hope for iOS, Android security flaws – GigaOm

RIM's Plan B: Hope for iOS, Android security flaws
By Kevin C. Tofel Jan. 30, 2012, 7:41am PT No Comments “When the first big security flaw even happens in one of the large enterprises, you will see this turn around. Wait for the day this happens.” So says RIM's new CEO, Thorsten Heins, as both iOS and

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Pen Computing Backers Hope to Write New Chapter With Android (Ina Fried/Mobilized)

Ina Fried / Mobilized:
Pen Computing Backers Hope to Write New Chapter With Android  —  Pen computing seems to be on the wane with the rise of the decidedly stylus-free iPad.  However, those who maintain that the pen is mightier than the finger aren’t throwing in the towel just yet.

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