Tag Archive for: keeps

White House Reveals How and When the US Keeps Security Flaws Secret

  1. White House Reveals How and When the US Keeps Security Flaws Secret  Gizmodo
  2. Federal vulnerability review under new VEP still has questions  TechTarget
  3. Time Will Tell if the New Vulnerabilities Equities Process Is a Step Forward for Transparency  EFF
  4. White House releases rules on reporting cybersecurity flaws  RT
  5. Full coverage

zero day exploit – read more

How Malware Keeps Sneaking Past Google Play’s Defenses – WIRED


How Malware Keeps Sneaking Past Google Play's Defenses
Unlike third-party app stores that are generally difficult to vet and validate, Google Play has built-in mechanisms to screen every app for malware, ransomware, and assorted sketchiness. So why, then, has so much malware slipped through lately? Take

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android ransomware – read more

Mac Malware Keeps Getting Worse, McAfee Reports 700,000 Instances This Year

There are known Mac malware that pose great threat to user data and there have been incidents when users experienced ransomware and other types of hacks on their Mac. The Handbrake incident of last month is a notable example. When we look at the figures …
mac hacker – read more

CallJam malware infects Androids and keeps ringing premium rate numbers

CallJam malware infects Androids and keeps ringing premium rate numbers

The CallJam malware masquerades as a four-star rated Android game on Google Play, and has a worrying addiction to making premium rate phone calls.

David Bisson reports.

Graham Cluley