Tag Archive for: Keyboard

How to customize Windows 8.1 Start screen and keyboard shortcut tricks

Since some of you may be new to Windows 8.1 and may not have a touchscreen monitor for your desktop, then here are some handy tips, tricks and shortcut keys that will hopefully make your experience with the new OS somewhat less painful or frustrating. We’ll start with the Start button where you can choose to customize your Windows 8.1 experience. Windows 8.1 Start button customizations
Ms. Smith’s blog

The keyboard: The weapon of choice in new type of warfare – Irish Examiner

The keyboard: The weapon of choice in new type of warfare
Irish Examiner
In tracing the history of the US military cyber operations, two words reappear again and again: Flame and Stuxnet. In 2007, a piece of malware beset thousands of computers in the Middle East in general, and Iran in particular. Flame, as it became known

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flame malware – read more

Lost+Found: Keyboard taps, slow scans and Android security – The H

Lost+Found: Keyboard taps, slow scans and Android security
The H
Slides from Marko Gargenta provide a good breakdown of Android security, ranging from basic concepts to extensions (press "m" for an overview.) According to Fortinet, the herder behind the ZeroAccess botnet has updated the botnet 20 times in a 90-day

“android security” – read more