Tag Archive for: love

How Kenyans’ Love For Freebies is Being Used to Hack Phones, Bank Accounts

The increased use of social media has exposed naive Kenyans to online security threats, which a majority are not aware of.

In different social media platforms, links are usually shared, asking users to click and get some rewards or even a share a certain number of times to get rewarded, only to end up being a false and malicious link.

Just a few days ago, a popular local supermarket issued a warning to its customers against an online questionnaire that has been making rounds on social media, specifically on Whatsapp.

Customers had been promised prices up to Ksh9,000 if they answered the questionnaire, but it turned out to be one of those fake posters shared on social media to hoodwink  Kenyans unknowingly.

File image of a man on his phone

File image of a man on his phone


Other than that, links promising Kenyans different prizes are usually shared on many pages. Many have failed to ask themselves who has ever won anything by sharing and clicking on those links.

Speaking to Kenyans.co.ke, a victim of online threats, Moses Mudogo, stated that his phone was secretly accessed by techies and his contacts exposed after clicking on one of those online links.

He narrated that he got lured into clicking the links after seeing a huge cash reward that was associated with it. As a result, his contacts were breached and those behind the link shared messages to his contacts soliciting money.

“Waah, it was a bad experience,” he stated, ” I saw one of those links on Facebook, it had a cash reward of Ksh8000 and the steps to fill were just easy, I quickly jumped into it.”

He added, “before I could finish filing the questionnaire the link started misbehaving, so I kept trying but I could not finish. Later I started receiving calls from some of my friends telling me that I had sent them messages of distress requesting money, I did not do that.”

After several hours, he however managed to regain control of his phone. He claimed that the techies might have cloned or taken control of his phone completely.

He, unfortunately, lost the little amount he had on his mobile money account.

How They Scam Online Users

According to IT expert Denis Kamau who Kenyans.co.ke spoke to, fraudulent techies use multiple ways to take advantage of naive…


How to Find a Network Security Key in the Devices You Love

Modern world functions on the pillars of wireless devices.

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Your pets and you will totally love these product designs: Part 4


If you own a pet, you know they are the true masters of our home, and we are their abiding slaves, tending to their every need, always at their beck and call! They’re the apple of our eyes, and we would do almost anything to keep them happy and comfy,  including showering them with fun little products, that they can play around with and keep themselves busy! From an indoor game for your doggo to a robot companion for your cat, we’ve curated a collection of exciting, functional, and entertaining pet products that your pets and you will totally love! These are products that help you bond with your pets, and spend that extra special quality time with them. Your pets will thank you for these!



In all the desk designs I’ve seen over the years, this is a first for me! It’s called ‘Ascend’ and it’s been created by Dan Devine for all the cat ladies and fellas out there. Like any cat person will tell you, the moment you give attention to anything but your furry friend, they’ll find a way to lounge on your keyboard or knock over your utensils until it’s back on them! Designed with this in mind, the wood desk has been crafted with multiple ramps and landings for cats to perch up and play. If you can’t fight ’em, invite ’em!

Simple and elegant, the Leaf transforms any plastic bottle you may have lying around into a doggy drinking apparatus. Perfect for those dog walks, the Leaf retrofits onto any regular PET (PolyEthylene Terephthalate) bottle with the standard 28mm diameter threaded neck. Made out of food-grade silicone, the leaf wraps around the bottle, and when flipped over (dog-eared, if you will), becomes a bowl for your dog to drink water from. The cupped leaf along with the reinforcing silicone veins give the dog a vessel to drink out of. Once done, the leaf can be folded back to wrap around the bottle. The leaf can also aid in easy bottle filling by acting as a funnel!

The Circle Zero from PLUTO is a smart litter box that takes care of your cat’s business. Designed to be fully automated, fully enclosed, and exceptionally silent, the litter box comes with a completely enclosed design to provide a private experience. Sensors on the box detect the…
