Tag Archive for: Myths

3 Mobile Security Myths That Can Hurt You – EdTech Magazine: Focus on Higher Education

3 Mobile Security Myths That Can Hurt You
EdTech Magazine: Focus on Higher Education
Given the vast range of potential mobile security problems looming on the horizon, there's no such thing as absolute security. New threats and challenges appear with discomforting regularity, so eternal vigilance is the order of the day. This reality

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Five Computer Security Myths, Debunked by Experts – Lifehacker

Five Computer Security Myths, Debunked by Experts
We're no strangers to helping you secure your computer, but there are some computer security myths and stories that keep getting passed around, even though they're clearly not true. We sat down with a few computer security experts to separate fact from …

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Five myths about mobile security and their realities – CSO

Five myths about mobile security and their realities
Earlier this summer, Aaron Rhodes of Neohapsis talked to CSO about five things to consider when developing mobile security policies. Today, moving that discussion forward, Pankaj Gupta of Amtel talks to us about five myths in mobile security. In

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Not cyber myths: Hacking oil rigs, water plants, industrial infrastructure

If about 55 million people were to suddenly lose power and be plunged into darkness because malware attacked the smart grid, would you rank that as a large-scale cyberattack? It happened a decade ago, according to Eugene Kaspersky of Kaspersky Lab.
Ms. Smith’s blog