Tag Archive for: Plays

Google plays Whack-A-Mole with naughty Android developers – Naked Security

Google plays Whack-A-Mole with naughty Android developers  Naked Security

Android developers without a track record are going to be submitted to more checks in order to stamp out those of “bad faith.”

“android security news” – read more

How Malware Keeps Sneaking Past Google Play’s Defenses – WIRED


How Malware Keeps Sneaking Past Google Play's Defenses
Unlike third-party app stores that are generally difficult to vet and validate, Google Play has built-in mechanisms to screen every app for malware, ransomware, and assorted sketchiness. So why, then, has so much malware slipped through lately? Take

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android ransomware – read more

Enjoy taking selfies? That plays right into the hands of this identity-stealing malware…

Enjoy taking selfies? That plays right into the hands of this identity-stealing malware...

A new Android malware loves users’ love of selfies. How much? Enough to ask them to take one so that it can steal access to their accounts.

David Bisson reports.

Graham Cluley