Tag Archive for: Ring

Blink vs Ring: which Amazon security camera system is best?

Blink vs Ring – choosing between two of the biggest names in home security cameras and video doorbells is not easy. And particularly so, as both companies are owned by Amazon.

It’s never been easier to build a camera system to protect your home, but never have there been so many genuinely different choices. The challenge facing you if you’re buying for the first time is epitomized by the fact that while Amazon have shipped tens of millions of digital assistants, there is only one Alexa, but they’re currently taking two approaches to home security: Blink and Ring.


An Infamous ‘Dark Souls’ Hacker Is Now Wreaking Havoc In ‘Elden Ring’

Malcolm Reynolds probably isn’t the kind of name that gets someone to cower in fear, but it probably means something very similar to “Sauron” when translated to Dark Soulsian. Reynolds is the most powerful evil wizard in the online Dark Souls world, one who channels immense might from the very dark arts known as computer hacking. Reynolds has found a way not just to murder basically anyone he comes across in Dark Souls but also to get his victims banned as if they’re the ones cheating. What’s worse is that just a mere two weeks into the release of Elden Ring, he’s already found a way to cross over to the world of the Lands Between and has rendered the entire place into a very big red wedding where all players are Robb Stark…’s baby. Yeah, he’s much more powerful than last time when he had to resort to weird parasites to murder his opponents. Now he’s just laser-blasting everyone to oblivion, and the video evidence is beautiful very wrong, and ugly.

Death is guaranteed regardless of how close:

Reynolds' close quarters laser

Bandai Namco

Or how far:

Reynolds' magical sniper rifle

Bandai Namco

Some could say this is perhaps a bit overkill:

Reynolds' laser vs many oponents

Bandai Namco

But they’d be wrong. This is overkill:

Reynolds' proximity spell

Bandai Namco

He’s gotten so powerful, in fact, that he’s taunting the devs to stop his unrelenting massacre. Though he’s probably having a lot of fun, Reynolds states that he’s abusing the game because its anti-cheat system is ripe for abuse, abuse of the kind that can cause larger consequences than the loss of a few runes. Too bad that From Software’s proficiency at making immersive role-playing experiences doesn’t seem to extend to the realm of Internet security, and the company is probably too busy making sure the game doesn’t destroy our computers to go on a manhunt for Elden Ring‘s equivalent of Thanos armed with the infinity gauntlet.

Top Image: Bandai Namco, xam3lpt

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Dark Souls 3 & Elden Ring “doomsday scenario” RCE hack discovered

Source: FROM Software

A startling discovery took place on Friday, after a streamer was a victim of what appears to be a Remote Code Execution (RCE) attack in Dark Souls 3 live on stream. In the clip, the streamer experiences a hack that can be seen crashing his game, after which Powershell reportedly opened up and ran a script that trash-talked the player using Microsoft text-to-speech.



According to a message linked in the SpeedSouls Discord server, only one non-malicious person to public knowledge currently knows how to execute this code, and they are working to bring attention to the developers regarding this issue. The hack has been demonstrated but is not widespread yet.


In that message referenced in the server, a user who goes by the name Princess Slut stated: “A person who isn’t malicious discovered a new RCE method, and tried to contact From about it through multiple channels. They ignored him. In an attempt to raise awareness to it so that it would be fixed (as this is a SEVERE security flaw), he did a live benign showcase on stream. It didn’t leak. Nobody has it beside him.”


Princess Slut continued: “He is in contact with sfix so we can fix it on [Blue Sentinel] but this isn’t ideal, as the base product is insecure. We’re also thinking about Elden Ring as it will have that exploit as well. The attempts to get From’s attention and get an official fix for their exploits is what drives most of us.”


Source: Princess Slut


An IT specialist I talked to about the potential for this type of hack said: “This is literally the doomsday scenario, someone could completely destroy your computer beyond repair with this exploit… If people can run code on your computer, it is over, they can do anything they want.”


Among the things that hackers could carry out with an RCE exploit are:


  • Bricking your PC entirely
  • Stealing sensitive data and passwords stored on your PC
  • Executing malware on your PC
  • Using your PC to mine crypto-currency
  • Pretty much anything you can think of


We don’t know the extent of the RCE, is it probable that they can elevate permissions on the PC. It isn’t confirmed they can, but it is likely, according to experts I talked to…


From Ring to Alexa, which Amazon security plan is right for you?

Ring Alarm Pro Sensors 4xSource: Ring

Amazon makes an incredible range of smart home devices, from the best smart security systems to the best smart speakers, but did you know that many of these can better help protect your home? Amazon security plans include Alexa Guard Plus, Ring Protect Pro, and Virtual Security Guard, but which one is the right plan for you? We break them all down and help you pick the right one for your home.

Alexa Guard Plus

Echo Dot 2

Source: Jeramy Johnson / Android Central

Alexa Guard Plus is the least expensive of all Amazon’s security plans, and it uses the collective smarts of your connected devices to achieve a better sense of security. Amazon maintains a list of compatible devices, which includes your Echo speakers, Ring devices, and even some surprises like Alexa-powered Christmas trees and smart outlets.

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Amazon warns that Alexa Guard Plus isn’t intended to replace a proper home security system but can be used to help you feel safer in your home.

The basic Alexa Guard tier is available for all Amazon accounts for free. Alexa Guard Plus is an upgraded service that will cost you $4.99 per month or $49 per year. Amazon sometimes offers a free one-month trial for first-time subscribers, and opting to pay for the entire year upfront essentially gives you two free months of the service.

Ring Protect Plus subscribers can get Alexa Guard Plus by linking their Ring and Amazon accounts. Afterward, open the Alexa app, tap Settings, then Guard, and follow the on-screen instructions to enable Alexa Guard Plus.

You can subscribe by saying “Alexa, try Guard Plus” to any of your Echo devices. Here’s what you get when you subscribe.

A 24/7 Emergency Helpline

Any Alexa-powered speakers connected to your Amazon account can be used to call emergency dispatch personnel by just saying, “Alexa, call for help.” It’s similar to calling 911 on your phone, but with the massive added advantage of not having to find your phone first.

Emergency sound alerts

Alexa-powered devices with microphones, such as an Echo Dot or Echo Show, can be activated while you’re away from home to listen for sounds of activity. The free Alexa Guard tier can detect the…
