Tag Archive for: Slow

Frustrated by slow downloads on your PC?

Frustrated by slow downloads on your PC?

We have all been there. What is supposed to be a quick PDF download becomes a test of patience and determination. Will the download take three minutes or 30? Some days you do not have time to roll the dice: You want the files you download to take less time than, say, constructing a full-scale model of the Golden Gate bridge.

With that in mind, I rounded up some reasons your downloads and your computer in general have slowed down.

Reason #1: A security issue

What is that old saying about hating to be the bearer of bad news? Well, it certainly applies here. Your speed could be bogged down if your systems are infected in any way. Hackers will use your systems to send out spam emails, steal your contacts, track browsing sites and habits and deliver invasive and targeted ads. Consider professional support for your laptops and desktops, factory resets for your mobile devices and a replacement networking system, such as one of the new mesh network systems.”


Why Banks Are Slow to Embrace Cloud Computing

Wells Fargo plans to move to data centers owned by Microsoft and Google over several years; Morgan Stanley is also working with Microsoft. Bank of America has saved $2 billion a year in part by building its own cloud. Goldman said in November that it would team up with Amazon Web Services to give clients access to mountains of financial data and analytical tools.

Cloud services enable banks to rent data storage and processing power from providers including Amazon, Google or Microsoft, which have their own data centers dotted around the globe. After moving to the cloud, banks can access their data on the internet and use the tech companies’ computing capacity when needed, instead of running their own servers year-round.

Seeing a big opportunity to sell cloud-computing services to Wall Street, some tech giants have hired former bankers who can use their knowledge of the rules and constraints under which banks operate to pitch the industry.

Scott Mullins, AWS’s head of business development for financial services, previously worked at JPMorgan and Nasdaq. Yolande Piazza, vice president for financial services at Google Cloud, is the former chief executive of Citi FinTech, an innovation unit at Citigroup. Bill Borden at Microsoft and Howard Boville at IBM are Bank of America alumni.

Cloud providers are “moving at a much faster development pace when you think of security, compliance and control structures,” compared with individual banks, said Mr. Borden, a corporate vice president for worldwide financial services at Microsoft. The cloud, Mr. Borden and the other executives said, enables companies to increase their computer processing capabilities when they need it, which is much cheaper than running servers on their own premises.

But glitches do occur. One week after Goldman teamed up with Amazon, an AWS outage halted webcasts from a conference hosted by the bank that convened chief executives from the biggest U.S. financial firms. The glitch also caused problems for Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant, Disney’s streaming service and Ticketmaster. AWS and its competitor, Microsoft Azure, both had outages recently.

Banking regulators in the United States, including the Federal…


‘Ultimate’ slow cooker Mac ‘n’ Cheese hack goes viral

Posting a mouth-watering picture of his stringy mac ‘n’ cheese, Emmett wrote: “Y’all like cheese pulls? This is for cheese lovers only!!!” Emmett then went on to share his recipe for his Extra cheesy …
mac hacker – read more