Tag Archive for: time

The time axis of evil: Phishing’s golden hour – SC Magazine US

Crime analysis involves plotting data along an axis to discuss the X-Y relationships of two or more factors in a grid. In this manner trends can be quickly and visually identified. Security company Trusteer recently released a very interesting study which …
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What does it mean when I keep getting pop ads all the time even though my internet security is on?

Everything on my internet sucurity program is set to where I shouldn’t get pop ups. I’ve never had them before either. They started after I accepted a friend invitation on myspace. Is it possible that my computer is infected with a virus even though I
have internet security. What can I do to fix my computer. I am
clueless about this knd of stuff.

Computer security ? What is standard duration before screen time out?

At my workplace, we had an outside auditor from Eli Lilly recommend that our computer screens lock and require a log in after 3-5 minutes of inactivity (to comply with HIPPA privacy rules). The IT people instituted this at our workplace and it is adversely affecting the whole operation (workflow efficiencies, productivity, etc). I want to know if this is an industry standard or just someone trying to impress us with her authority. Note we are in a restricted access building.

Real time phishing attacks increase – Help Net Security

30% of attacks against websites that use two-factor authentication are now utilizing real-time man-in-the-middle techniques to bypass this trusted security mechanism, according to Trusteer. These findings are based on monitoring of thousands of phishing …
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