Tag Archive for: Want

I have CA security suite and my computer doesnt want to work cause it appers a different security suite “PC “?

The background saids warning you’re in danger your computer is infected with spyware . And i already have the ca internet security suite and my ca security suite doesnt appear and the internet does not work .HELP ME Please what should i do!

What’s the career I want? (Computer Security related)?

I’ve searched online for careers that are related to computer security, but not for example, a computer security specialist. I’m not the wake-up and do the same routine kind of guy and, to sit behind the desk and secure the organization’s database. I would like my career to be more like adventurous, stopping criminals/hackers, moving from one place to the other, work for the government or something cool. I hope you understand my idea. Please help, I’m very clueless.

where should i start if i want to learn computer security.?

besides taking college classes because I’m not in college yet.

I want to get a job as a Computer Security analyst ?

I just got my associates for Computer Security…..but I can’t seem to find any universities w/t this as a major…If I want a career in computer security which major should I select to pursue : Computer science, network security ? PLEASE HELP ME