Does a security camera that uploads to a web server or ftp without a computer exist?

I want to have an always-on motion activated security camera that supports wifi or even wired ethernet that can upload to a web server or ftp. I don’t want to leave my computer on all the time.

Stuxnet Computer Virus Could Mutate, Pose Bigger Threat – FOXBusiness

U.S. government cyber security experts are warning that the Stuxnet virus could become more menacing … the first of its type designed to attack computer systems that control industrial processes, two officials said in testimony prepared for a …
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NRC approves Indian Point cyber-security plan – Empire State News

“It’s designed to protect the plant against anybody who might want to try to hack into plant systems or attack them using computer viruses or other means,” he said. “This is a concern, not only for nuclear power plants, but for industry in the …
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Can anyone tell me whats the Best Internet Security Software out there without slowing your computer?

I would like an elite security software program so i dont get no viruses or anything like that but im not willing to sacrifice the speed of my computer! Any suggestions??