Tag Archive for: installed

Security conflict between my newly installed motherboard/system on my computer and Yahoo?

After changing motherboard my home computer will not let me view content of my Yahoo mail..a message reading security alert says the security certificate is invalid or expired… type of certificate is to ensure security of a remote computer. On other computers I can access Yahoo mail. The problem is only with yahoo and my computer. I have to go to an internet point to read any answers sent me by yahoo.

Help. How do I remove AOL safety and security from my computer when I already have an anti virus installed?

When I set up my computer I had Norton’s anti virus system installed on my computer and my subscription is valid until Sept.I inadvertently added Aol security to my computer and I need to remove it so that it doesn’t interfer with the other system.Whenever I turn on my computer I always have to click the norton icon to enable it.(it states that it is off)

I need new computer security. I just installed Norton anti virus it is way slow, recommend something better?

I have dial up access that is way slow. First thing with Norton was a 9 hour download even though i just bought the disk. Thought when I bought the disk I got what i needed and wouldn’t need an immediate massive download. It also immediately slowed my computer down. Can you reccomend something better. I need one the that I can purchase for 2 computers-offline buy the disk and will not start out with immediate down loads and get all the protection I need. Any suggestions? Preferably something that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg too.
Lots of great answers and everyone is so helpful. There sounds like some great free stuff out there too…trouble is i need something I don’t have to download..dial up is way too slow. Any other suggestions?

friends in my computer Karspersky Internet Security has been installed?

when i open i get a message ” THE THREAT SIGNATURES ARE CORRUPTED” whats the real meaning.

while kaspersky anti virus is there can i install norton antivirus.

can both antivirus function in the same computer?