Tag Archive for: something

my daughter has some how managed to get something called cyber security on her computer?

can anyone help ? and also why did the norton security not pick this up and get rid of it ? thank you to anyone who can help.

Every time I try to open something on my computer, a Security Warning pops up and says “Application cannot be?

executed. The file ___.exe is infected. Do you want to activate your antivirus software now?

HELP!!! Thank you!

I need new computer security. I just installed Norton anti virus it is way slow, recommend something better?

I have dial up access that is way slow. First thing with Norton was a 9 hour download even though i just bought the disk. Thought when I bought the disk I got what i needed and wouldn’t need an immediate massive download. It also immediately slowed my computer down. Can you reccomend something better. I need one the that I can purchase for 2 computers-offline buy the disk and will not start out with immediate down loads and get all the protection I need. Any suggestions? Preferably something that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg too.
Lots of great answers and everyone is so helpful. There sounds like some great free stuff out there too…trouble is i need something I don’t have to download..dial up is way too slow. Any other suggestions?